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Editor, My wife, Kristiny, and I are foster parents in Havre. We just renewed our license after finishing with the adoption of our youngest two children, Kady and Sammy. Their older brother, Ben, was also adopted through the foster care system. All three have severe delays in different areas of their development. I used to travel to Great Falls for speech and physical therapy through Scottish Rite and Benefis every Friday with all three kids. Last year, I changed jobs and that was no longer possible. However, the pediatric...
Dear Secretary Zinke: Landowners in the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument area were somewhat perplexed when you announced your “likely” decision on the monument on June 27 at Whitefish, Montana. Because the public comment period did not close until July 10, landowners rightfully believe your announcement was premature and that you did not consider those comments that were still en route to you, including a June 30 letter signed by 17 members of Congress. More importantly, you have been sent comments from mon...
Dear Editor, On behalf of the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance I would like to invite all residents and friends of Phillips County to our Second Annual Phillips County Proud community celebration. This year’s event will be Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Tin Cup in Malta. We will begin serving barbecue beef on a bun with several sides at 5:30 p.m. There is no charge for the meal but goodwill offerings are appreciated. Bring the whole family, as there will be games for the kids. Our goal for this event is to bring all of us t...
Editor, The Havre Jaycees would like to thank everyone who supported the fireworks booth this year. Proceeds from the fireworks go to purchase the next year Fourth of July Community Night Show. With out the great people of this community and surrounding communities we would not be able to hold this event. Thank you for all your support in all the projects the Havre Jaycees do in the Havre community. Members of the Havre Jaycees...
Editor, Fourth of July is coming upon us soon and as I see all the fireworks stands popping up all over town, I would like to remind everyone to support the Jaycees when purchasing their fireworks because, after all, they are the people that provide the amazing fireworks show for this community on the Fourth of July. Also, for all of you that like to set off their own fireworks, be mindful of the people and pets around you and the dry conditions that we are experiencing. Barb Salerno Havre...
Dear Editor, There has been plenty of discussion in public about the dangers repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with the American Health Care Act will have on people with pre-existing conditions. But the dangers of the AHCA goes even deeper into the health care issues that are so often forgotten about — substance abuse. Under the ACA (Obamacare) our country was beginning to take seriously the idea that substance abuse was a medical and mental health condition that is in need of treatment. Indeed, as we’ve see...
Dear Editor, I am writing to inform readers that the EPA has just proposed to repeal key protections for much of Montana’s drinking water. After seeing what happened in Flint, Michigan, it is hard to understate the importance of ensuring safe drinking water for all communities. And that’s why in 2015, the Clean Water Rule restored federal protections to 63% of Montana’s streams, which help provide drinking water to 234,219 Montanans. The rule also protects wetlands, which help filter out pollutants and provide wildlife habit...
Dear editor, Rural Montanans depend heavily on their rural hospitals to provide quality care at home so that they aren’t saddled with the multitude of problems that come when you have to travel three hours to see a doctor for minor care. I’m fearful that if we allow Congress to fully implement the Trump Administration’s American Health Care Act, it will have devastating and long-lasting impacts on our rural health care clinics. According to the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities, under the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare...
Editor, Nearly all school districts will increase the number of mills they levy in the BASE portion of their general fund budgets in FY 2018. This is due to the elimination of the general fund block grants and the NRD payment enacted by the 2017 Legislature by passing House Bill 647. The removal of these two sources of nonlevy revenue will leave a greater hole to fill in general fund budgets that is statutorily filled by state Guaranteed Tax Base aid for eligible districts and local property taxes. We often speak of mills as...
Dear editor, As a health care provider in Havre, Bullhook Community Health Center’s staff and board have been paying close attention to the debate in Washington, D.C., about what needs to change with health care in America. Having read through the Better Care Reconciliation Act that is the Senate version of repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, it is our belief that the bill will do more harm than good to the 4,945 we serve at our health center. In particular, we are very concerned about the significant changes p...
Dear Editor, The Senate is drafting a bill in total secrecy to replace the Affordable Care Act. The ACA provides coverage for pre-existing conditions, essential benefits, no lifetime caps on benefits, free health screenings, colonoscopies, cholesterol checks and many other benefits. Nearly two years ago our thirty-year-old son had a very serious medical emergency. He recovered completely but the medical bills were huge. Fortunately, he had good insurance through the ACA. Prior to the ACA he had no insurance. Without good insu...
Editor, For quite some time I have been thinking about a matter that has not made the news, and it is good news, really great news about Rocky Boy. Since we have seen so much negative news about Rocky Boy in recent months (years), I speak these few words of good news. Well, I consider it great news concerning the upcoming Sun Dance. This is most certainly one of the great things about Rocky Boy. In my RBHB work I have seen many photos about the Sun Dance, and we can say that the Sun Dance has carried on in the same way for...
Editor, The Bullhook Blossoms Garden Club would like to thank the community of Havre for their support in helping us erect the Blue Star Veterans Memorial in Memorial Park and the by way marker soon to be placed on the courthouse grounds. The Havre Lions Club and the Hill County Community Foundation, along with Patrick Construction, were instrumental in realizing this project. Thanks to all who attended the dedication and all the help from the National Guard, the American Legion and Auxiliary, the VFW, the Border Patrol, the...
Editor, Interior Secretary Ryin Zinke has been instructed by the White House to review larger national monuments established since 1996 to determine if any of them should be reduced in size or possibly even eliminated all together. The Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument is included in this review. It was only after much public debate and input that the Missouri River Breaks were given monument status. Some people will always oppose these designations, but most Montanans were in favor of protecting this special...
Editor: Havre Elks Lodge #1201 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks again was very proud and honored to be part of the Community Memorial Day Service, melding our Flag Day tradition with their Memorial Day Service, exemplifying the motto: “One Nation, Under God” — one community, one nation, honoring our Flag, our Country, our Troops. Throughout our American history, the significance of the U.S. flag’s colors has come to correspond with those of the Great Seal of our great country: White signifying purity and inn...
Editor The American Legion and Veterans Honor Guard of Havre would like to thank the people for helping place flags at the veteran head stones on Sunday morning and removing them Monday afternoon. Les Johnson, Havre American Legion Post 11 commander...
Dear Havre Community, As parents of the Senior Class of 2017, we cannot express enough how proud we are to be a part of this amazing community. Our group has worked since last fall, putting together a week full of drug-free events for our seniors ranging from bowling to baccalaureate, Senior Brunch to Game Night. Once again, the Havre business community, parents, Havre High School and individuals around the Hi-Line supported this important week of events with financial donations, prizes and many hours of their time to make...
Editor This Thursday, May 25, there is a very important special election taking place where eligible Montana voters will choose between Mr. Greg Gianforte, Mr. Rob Quist and Mr. Mark Wicks to fill the vacant position of our sole representative to the U.S. House of Representatives. Quite an auspicious job with a state as large and diverse as ours. Unfortunately, the political climate in America has become polarized to the point that no longer does a person’s true character or track record mean nearly as much as what party l...
Editor, In moving forward with our new 4-H Chuckwagon facility, we want to see how much interest we have from interested parties, tradesmen, or contractors who are willing to help in all areas of construction. We will be having a 50-foot by 140-foot metal building constructed by Clausen and Sons, Dave Clausen being the project manager. One end of the building will be a 15-by-50 foot storage area, with two multi-use areas, the kitchen and restrooms occupying the rest of the structure. At this time, the details for the heating/...
Editor, On April 29, the Friends of the Clack Museum hosted the Second Annual Historical Tea for the purpose of raising funds for the New Havre History Center’s building projects. On behalf of the H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board of Hill County and the H. Earl and Margaret Turner Clack Memorial Museum Foundation, we would like to express our deep appreciation to the many, many women and men who helped make this “tea” a very memorable event. Co-chaired by Judy Ward and Karen Vosen, the appointed table host and hoste...
Dear Editor: Protect our national monuments. These belong to the people of the United States. Every national monument was established in full compliance with laws passed to encourage and enable the protection of national gems. President Theodore Roosevelt signed the primary monuments law — the Antiquities Act — in 1906 for the benefit of the nation. We the People have benefited for more than a hundred years from that single act. These monuments are national treasures. They are NOT for politicians to give away as “gi...
Dear Editor, The staff and board of Bullhook Community Health Center would like to thank Sen. Steve Daines and Sen. Jon Tester for their unwavering support of community health centers. Recently, both Montana senators signed a letter of support in the U.S. Senate that endorses our program and our model of comprehensive primary care. In Montana, there are 17 community health centers in more than 40 different locations across the state. Every year, we compile statewide and local data to better understand our patients and our...
Editor, Some of you may not have had the opportunity to visit Butte, Anaconda, Libby, Great Falls and other communities impacted by industry in Montana’s past. With the elimination of the EPA promised by Washington, D.C., in the name of job creation, I have to wonder what effect this might have on this “last, best place” we call home. Montana’s streams, rives, forests, air, land — all are critical to the primary industries we hold dear. Ranching, farming and recreation are part of our heritage. Extraction industrie...
Editor Do you know of anyone who has started a school, equipped those students with tech skills, over 500, who average out an $85,000 yearly income in Montana? That’s Greg Gianforte. He’s an engineer. An engineer mindset looks at a problem in several ways, and then comes up with solutions. His desire is to maintain a close relationship with us, know our problems, and fight for us. He’s no outsider. He and Susan raised their four children here and love our way of life. Greg’s comment regarding sales tax happened in 2002, 1...
Dear Editor: I am scratching my head as to how the Democrat Party could nominate someone as unqualified as Rob Quist as their candidate for Congress. I would think Democrat Party stalwarts would be embarrassed to select for their candidate someone who has spent the past couple of decades defaulting on debts he owes, supporting national gun control, promoting the disaster called “ObamaCare,” and advocating government growth pushing America further in debt. Mr. Quist may be a great guy to have a beer or a joint with, but has no...