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Opinion / Letters

Sorted by date  Results 1384 - 1408 of 1423

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  • Re-elect Bob Kaul


    Editor: I am writing to encourage the voters of Havre's Ward 3 to re-elect Bob Kaul as their City Council representative. I've attended many City Council and committee meetings and have observed Bob in action. He is concerned about improving the infrastructure of Havre and making Havre a better place in which to work and live. I know he will work hard to achieve those goals. Bob Kaul will "Do It Right." Val Murri Havre...

  • Wahkpa Chu'gn featured in 'American Profile'


    Editor: Thank you to the publisher and editor of the Havre Daily News for providing its readers with the weekly supplement "American Profile." What a wonderful surprise this past Monday, Aug. 22, to find Havre's own Wahkpa Chu'gn Buffalo Jump featured in the "Tidbit" section of "American Profile." "Montana — The Wahkpa Chu'gn Archaeological Site near Havre (pop. 9,310) is said to be the most extensive and best preserved buffalo jump in the northern Great Plains. The site, where hunters drove bison in a stampede over the h...

  • Thanks to all for Sounds on the Square


    Editor: On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Square Committee we would like to thank all the bands that made this summer's Sounds on the Square a huge success. The time that each of the seven bands dedicated to each Wednesday evening in the months of June, July and August shows their commitment to Sounds on the Square and to the community. As with so many activities that take place in Havre, Sounds on the Square would not happen without the volunteer help and the financial generosity of those believing in...

  • 'Recyclegate' a non-issue, but everyone should play by the same rules


    Editor: While reviewing the state of Montana campaign rules in August of this year, I realized that I had made a rookie mistake. It turns out that the candidate for office cannot make bank deposits unless said candidate has designated himself a deputy treasurer on the C-1-A candidate form. This rule is counter-intuitive. But, alas, the rules are the rules. Immediately, I filed the first of two amended C-1-As in the Havre City Council race. It was during this self-review process that I noted the inconsistency in Bob Kaul's...

  • Board appointments


    Editor: One of the duties and privileges of a new governor is to make board appointments. To the general tax-paying and voting public, this is a rather trivial part of the governor's job. What the taxpayers need to understand is these people have the power to change the way business is done in the capital or they can just endorse the status quo. Gov. Stan Stephens and Gov. Marc Rosicot did their appointments themselves and found candidates that would work for the good of the people and try to improve the function of the...

  • Thank you from TURF


    Editor: The Havre TURF organization would like to thank the USDA Forest Service and the Arbor Day Foundation and congratulate the city of Havre for receiving the Tree City USA award for the 21st year. We would like to thank all of our sponsors and the individuals who contributed to help make another very successful Arbor Day celebration. Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Taco Johns, Culligan, Gary & Leo's Fresh Foods, Havre Parks and Recreation and the Havre Daily News have always been instrumental in our programs. We would also like...

  • Cellphone ban supporters show puzzling logic


    Editor: On June 6 Havre City Council voted on Ordinance 879, which bans electronic communications devices from being used while driving. During the comment period, one council member stated that she still did not know which way she would ultimately vote. Councilwoman Tretheway sagely identified a state statute that is already on the books. The state statute is currently used by our local law enforcement to ticket these very offenders, making this new ordinance redundant. An impassioned plea from a fellow Havre citizen may...

  • Havre citizens should consider serving on council


    Editor: June 30 is the filing deadline for Havre City Council. Three seats — wards 1, 2 and 3 are being vacated, and Ward 4 does not have a firm candidate at the time of writing this letter. Half the City Council seats will be elected in November. Have you considered serving your city as a council member? Please do. Henrik Ibsen made a very good point when he said, "A community is like a ship. Everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm." You may think you are not interested in "politics," but city council is about g...

  • Local day care facilities excel at immunization


    Editor: As the Hill County Day Care Immunization reviewer, I think it is important to recognize five of our local day care facilities that are excelling through their dedication to childhood immunizations. All of our local licensed day cares, 24 all together, have to go through a review process each year to make sure that their children are up to date according to the required immunization schedule. The first quarter of this year, seven day cares were reviewed and five of those have been awarded a certificate of excellence...

  • Life might be like a box of chocolates, but ...

    Pam Burke

    In this wide, spectacular and beautiful world that gives us oceans, the Grand Canyon, wild asparagus, sunsets, tornadoes and dark chocolate, what's up with fungus? Really. It's a bizarre set of microorganisms ... and not-so-micro organisms. That athlete's foot fungus you've been scratching since high school? It's a kissing cousin to the mushrooms you buy at the grocery store, even the truffle mushroom that sells for $1,200 a pound at finer restaurants. Pam Burke The mold on...

  • Thanks for donating to help 'Stamp Out Hunger'


    Editor: On behalf of the Havre Food Bank and the people we serve, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the U.S. Postal Service's Havre letter carriers for sponsoring the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive this past Saturday. Nearly 4,000 pounds of nonperishable food was collected and delivered to the food bank thanks to the efforts of our local postal workers. A record number of volunteers of all ages assembled at the post office making the process of collecting and sorting the food go quickly and smoothly. For the first...

  • God bless Havre's police officers


    Editor: During National Police Week, I want to thank the policemen of the Havre Police Department for helping me over the years when necessary. As an elderly, single citizen, it has been important for me to have a place to turn to for help and protection, in spite of the very dangerous job and busy lives they already have. God bless every one of them! Ilsa C. Wagner Havre...

  • No justice in tribal court


    Editor: The long Tribal Appellate Court process is trying on a person. It all began in hopes of fairness for all. I filed a protest Oct. 12, 2010. It's become a political game with no real winners, with the cards stacked against us every step of the way, the election committee having the advantage financially and politically. There was a protest in 2005 based on a technicality. That board acted quickly. Within a few days they set up a new election. There was another protest to follow, which went through the judicial system,...

  • Polluting household wells

    Vicki Freyholtz

    Editor: Special thanks to the person who ditched the drainage from their corral into Sage Creek within about 100 feet of our household well. Especially since they were asked not to do this because of our well. As a senior citizen, I really enjoy having to haul water and pack it into our home for cooking, washing, etc. I hope that you are proud of yourself. Vicki Freyholtz, Gildford...

  • Cellphone ban is out of line

    Kathy Glock

    Editor: We have a cellphone that we use periodically and never when driving, but I felt I needed to write about the ordinance that was recently passed by Havre City Council about using a cellphone while driving or texting while driving. I agree this is a distraction, but what about eating while driving, messing with your radio, picking up something off the floor, hollering at your kids, etc.? Aren't these distractions too? The penalty for getting caught using a cellphone while driving is ridiculous. A person who gets a DUI...

  • Rehberg has been consistently wrong on issues


    Editor: I am writing in regards to Rep. Denny Rehberg's position on Medicare. I have received emails from Mr. Rehberg regarding the Republican party stance on doing away with Medicare. These emails totally disregard the facts as they have been explained by President Barack Obama. Apparently, Mr. Rehberg assumes that if he repeats untruths many times, they will somehow transform themselves into facts. This applies to his other positions as well: assuring Montana voters that he has their concerns at heart, while voting to...

  • Warburton, Hansen do an awesome job for area, Montana


    Editor: Sometimes one cannot keep silent. Some people may be unhappy with the representation in our state Legislature by Kris Hansen and Wendy Warburton. I, for one, believe they are doing an excellent job for Montana. While Hansen and Warburton campaigned, they proclaimed their pro-life and family-value stands, along with other issues. Voters knew this, and that is the reason Hansen and Warburton are in our state Legislature. Thank you Kris Hansen and Wendy Warburton. You are doing an awesome job for Montana people. Alma...

  • Thank you farmers markets vendors


    Editor: The number of farmers markets in the United States grew 17 percent between 2010 and 2011. The growing number of markets, propelled by a rising interest in local agriculture, has helped farmers markets evolve to become anchors in American communities, putting healthful food on more tables while supporting local agriculture. According to the USDA, Havre's Saturday Market is one of the approximately 7,175 in the country and 50 in Montana. Saturday Market began in 2000, under the S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. Market banner with...

  • Open gate could lead to tragedy


    Editor: This letter is to the mean-spirited person or people who opened my back gate on the night of May 26. (It is very, very hard to open.) They left the gate open and our dog got out, and it took us a long time to find him. He is old and only outside to make his rounds of the yard. I am elderly also and don't get around that well. My grandson drove around and finally found him. I pray to God that the next time these stupid people pull this stunt, it isn't some young child who gets out and wanders away into the street. I'm...

  • Dogs should stay home for big events


    Editor: Special thanks goes out to the Woodwick family for another awesome Fourth of July picnic with perfect weather and food, friends and family. However, people can be slightly disengaged when a celebration takes place: Your dog does not belong in a city park — at all and when people of all ages and food are together. Why do people bring their pets to a gathering? They're not happy. It's hot and noisy. I witnessed a possible tragedy in the making that day. I took my small 2 1/2-year-old grandson to his first picnic. There...

  • Thank you to couple who helped out


    Editor: Havre ... It really is the people! I would like to thank the unknown folks who stopped to help my son on Sunday night. It was a beautiful day, and my 15-year-old was out on a bike ride and hit an obstacle that took out his front tire and threw him face-first into the pavement. A couple on a red motorcycle saw him bloody and dazed; they stopped and immediately got him home safely. They came back to check on him and tell me where his mangled bike was while I hustled to get my boy to the ER. I was so worried about my...

  • No rapture, it's time to unpack the bags


    Editor: Since May 21 was supposed to be the "Rapture" — the end of the world — a friend of mine urged me to heed the warning, prepare a survival kit and get ready for the event. I wore a set of wings to look like an angel and packed a big bag which held a passport, since I have no birth certificate (during World War II all records in my hometown in Sudetenland-Czechoslaovakia, were burned). The passport proves that I was born and am a legal immigrant and American citizen, in case I had to produce proof of this at the tim...

  • Trust me, it will get better with time ...


    Editor: This is in response to Melinda Pozega's letter. Many of you know me personally and, if not, at least know of my brother Ryan. On April 13, 2001, my brother and I were in a horrible car wreck. A big thanks to Matt Springer for reacting the way that he did, because if he hadn't, Ryan would probably not be here. Like Cassi, I also have gone through the feelings of, "Why Ryan? Why not me? Why am I OK? Why didn't I get hurt as bad?" I received the same answers from family and friends that Cassi did. No one could give me...

  • Council should seek the public's opinion on fireworks

    Letter to the Editor - Darrel Lander

    Editor: Regarding Havre City Council's attempt to legalize fireworks in the city limits — since we're not going to get a chance to vote on the change — I would like to challenge our council members to poll their constituents regarding this subject. I'm positive they would discover that the majority are against it for a number of reasons, including 1) noise pollution — both for the residents and their pets that are scared to death of fireworks noise; and 2) littering — we have at least one resident in the Heritage Additio...

  • Rehberg bill would devastate northern Montana


    Editor: Dennis does it again. Rep. Rehberg has co-sponsored a bill which can devastate the northern third of Montana. House Bill 1505, National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, will not protect federal lands. It's an example of creating big government and granting the Department of Homeland Security the right to seize control of all federal land within 100 miles of the Canadian border. We could kiss goodbye to hunting, fishing, grazing, logging and recreation on federal land. All in the name of gaining "operational...

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