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Opinion / Letters

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  • Where are emergency vehicles during bad weather?

    Carolaine Schafer|Updated Feb 3, 2014

    I am writing this letter to our editor at 5 a.m. Moments ago, I returned from driving a very sick dog who was having seizures at 3 a.m. to the vet office ... trying to calm my dog and holding tightly on to the wheel of my vehicle, having a difficult time maneuvering on main roads from Highland Park to Bear Paw Veterinary. Amid my praying, I was thinking, how very serious it is to be driving on a proverbial ice skating rink ... and, despite my sadness in getting my beloved dog emergency medical help, I am amazed at how not...

  • Trapping is necessary in Beaver Creek Park

    Don Beatty|Updated Feb 3, 2014

    This is for Renelle Braaten. She doesn't want any trapping at all. I think they should kick you off the Park Board, myself. I remember when the Park Board had my son trap more than 200 beavers out of the park. One board member said he wanted him to trap them, all and he said no, he would not do that. It didn't take long and they were back, thick as ever. She has no idea how much work and time is involved in trapping. A friend of mine lost a lot of young lambs and ewes to coyotes. They even killed one of his dogs, but not...

  • Don't complain too much, the streets could be worse

    Don Beatty|Updated Jan 30, 2014

    This is to the lady who was complaining about the first snow — that they weren't plowing the streets. With only 4 inches of snow, why would you want to waste the time and money on plowing? Lady, back in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s, they never plowed hardly at all. You just had to fend for yourself. Going down 3rd Avenue, the kids would say, “What’s that noise?” I told them that was the muffler and the frame dragging in the hard-packed snow. When I would go up the hill by the college, sometimes I would have the right tire in the...

  • Washington fifth-grader seeks info on Montana

    Updated Jan 22, 2014

    Hi. My name is Selena H. I'm 10 years old. I am in the fifth grade. I chose your state because it is AWESOME! My dogs are even from Montana, so I have been there a couple times. Montana is my state-report state. You're the only one that can get me an A++++. I'm a great student, very smart and very active, too. I'm very organized, and I hope to some day work with animals. I really want the state gem, but there is no need to get it. I think people would really like to see it. It would be so cool in my display. I also want the...

  • Police dogs could help Havre department

    Gerry Logan|Updated Jan 14, 2014

    Help our police department help Havre. Listen up, mayor and police administration. Is there a drug problem in Havre? Yes! Our patrol officers do a wonderful job but could extremely benefit from a police K-9 dog. The presence of a police canine can defuse many potential problems just by their mere presence. Example, on New Year's Eve I saw a foot pursuit and thought how scary that can be and how it could turn out. Great job officer, whoever you are. Canines can be great time-saving tools. A dual purpose K-9 is trained for...

  • Kallenbergers thank community for support

    Justin and Bridget Kallenberger|Updated Dec 24, 2013

    The Havre High School Key Club, Eagle Riders, many churches and community members recently hosted fundraisers to help offset the cost of testing for Cadence and Tia Kallenberger to diagnose their neuromuscular disorder. We’d like to thank everyone who helped make all the fundraisers a success. We are so appreciative of all the individuals who made donations of time, food, and money; none of this would have been possible without you. We are deeply grateful for the support and compassion of SO many, and a community that c...

  • VISTA service in Montana was rewarding 

    Matthew Cramer|Updated Dec 19, 2013

    This year I have had the honor of serving as an AmeriCorps Volunteer in Service to America — VISTA — alleviating poverty in Montana. My position has been with the S.A.V.E. Foundation in Helena. I have had the opportunity to build community through partnerships and engagements in public transit and accessible biking and walking. In this role, I experienced how essential these aspects are to everyone’s ability to be part of a healthy community, not just those with the greatest needs who VISTAs serve most. My experience has r...

  • Havre's a great community, Hendrickson family says

    Hendrickson family|Updated Dec 18, 2013

    To say we are blessed to be part of the community of Havre is an understatement. Since Dylan was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in December 2012, we have experienced a variety of gifts — prayer, encouraging words and financial support. The most recent fundraisers, spearheaded by John Ita and the Havre High Key Club, brought together many churches and the Eagle’s Biker Club. Triangle Telephone/Hill County Electric personnel have lent ongoing support, as has the Havre Middle School Helpers under Jean Murphy and the many...

  • Foot nurse appreciates her patients, friends

    Rachelle Harp|Updated Dec 17, 2013

    The Last Best Place on Earth — I'm in awe, heaven, or maybe I'm even dreaming. I have literally found the last best place on Earth. Never in my life have I been treated with such kindness and felt so welcome in one place. In the last several months, I have been treated to home-cooked meals, lunches provided to-go, the best caramel rolls I've ever tasted, and several gifts of appreciation. I've spent my evenings relaxing in a quiet environment and playing Crazy Eights with the ladies and spent my mornings being provided w...

  • Bus system meet his needs

    Bob Waldron|Updated Dec 17, 2013

    Mr. Jim Lyons has developed an intra-city bus system, and I have become a frequent flyer of this system. It works for me personally now that my family doesn't allow me to drive anywhere downtown, they've confiscated both of my auto keys. So — I cannot drive in the downtown area for the time being, so therefore I have that bus system. Here's how it works for me. I catch the bus at Gary & Leo's Fresh Foods at 11 a.m. almost daily. At 11 a.m., the bus now takes me across every place to where I need to go. I end up at the H...

  • Boys & Girls Club raised $100,000, thanks to generous Havre support

    Mary Jane Borlaug|Updated Dec 14, 2013

    Thank you so much, community of Havre, for your continued support of the Boys & Girls Club of the Hi-Line. The sixth annual Festival of Trees was so successful, the only word I can use to describe it is: WOW! Each year we have businesses and individuals who give so much to us for this event and that is what makes it successful. We raised $100,000 this year with the special auction, the beautifully decorated trees, and all the other generously donated items, trips, and experiences. Thanks to a matching grant from the Murdock C...

  • Keep Feds out of sage grouse plan

    Elsie Arntzen|Updated Dec 13, 2013

    With the federal government declaring sage grouse “warranted” for listing as an endangered species, Montana must act before the feds yet again interfere with the management of our state. Bureaucrats in D.C. and Helena all too often ignore the voices of citizens who live and work on the land each day, but a true Montana sage grouse solution simply cannot overlook the property rights of local landowners when coming up with an acceptable plan. Tying up land in bureaucratic red tape and permits only does a disservice to lan...

  • Please keep sidewalks and curbs safe for letter carriers

    Marion E. Williams|Updated Dec 10, 2013

    Winter is back in full swing, with significant snow and ice for all of us to battle. That means slippery surfaces, which can be dangerous and costly for homeowners, as well as for their visitors, including their letter carrier. By clearing a path when the snow arrives, accidents can be prevented. We need our customers' help. Letter carriers have hurt their knees or backs, or even suffered broken bones from falls on slippery surfaces. Letter carriers are instructed to use good judgment when attempting to deliver to addresses...

  • Apologies on canceled speech tournament

    Tim Leeds|Updated Dec 9, 2013

    I want to apologize to anyone who drove out to the high school to judge at the speech, debate and drama tournament Saturday only to find out it was canceled. Activities director Dennis Murphy and I spent quite a bit of time on the telephone late Friday night trying to decide whether to continue the tournament after some six schools had canceled due to the bitterly cold weather. We ended up deciding about 11:30 p.m. that the safety of the students came first, and we needed to cancel. I know I failed to contact many judges, and...

  • Federal regulations ready for reform

    Mike Cuffe|Updated Dec 3, 2013

    The process that federal regulations go through from proposal to enactment is simply baffling. There are seemingly countless comment periods, public hearings, and reviews. Keeping up with the process is simply impossible for any small business in Montana. But with 739 regulations that directly affect small businesses under consideration by various federal agencies, it’s a process that Montana small businesses can ill afford to miss. When a regulation goes into effect, it’s in effect for everyone, from the largest con...

  • BLM makes Breaks canoe trip rewarding

    Mary Frieze and Clint Loomis|Updated Nov 26, 2013

    During a fine canoe trip early this fall, we joined several friends to canoe the Missouri River from Coal Banks Campground to Judith Landing. It was a great trip: What could be better than canoeing the great Missouri with good friends in September, and viewing the spectacular Missouri Breaks scenery? We spent three warm, sunny — and sometimes very windy — days on the river and three cool nights snug in our tents in BLM campgrounds. The night before launching our canoes, we stayed at the Coal Banks Campground, and en rou...

  • Boosters look for Elliott award nominations

    Brenda Evans|Updated Nov 25, 2013

    The Blue Pony Booster Club is in need of nomination for the Dr. Jim Elliott Memorial Award. Dr. Elliott’s family gave the first award in 2001 and purchased a plaque that hangs in a trophy case in Havre High School’s west foyer with the name of each recipient engraved on it. The Booster Club has been given the responsibility from the Elliott family of choosing someone to receive this award. The honor of receiving this award is based on volunteerism, along with personal and/or professional sacrifices made for the bet...

  • Many are owed thanks for Veterans Day observances

    Bob Nieuwenhuyse|Updated Nov 21, 2013

    On behalf of Havre Elks Lodge #1201, I wish to thank Commander Bill Bilger and Havre VFW Post 497 for allowing the Elks to be a part of the Veterans Day ceremony. We also recognize and thank the dedicated and unswerving service of the Havre VFW Honor Guard to our community. The Order of Elks is proud of all American veterans and those who continue to serve in our armed forces; we are truly grateful for their and their families', service and sacrifices to protect our precious freedoms. We say with gratitude that every day is i...

  • America Recycles Day is today, Montana celebrates daily

    Mark Nelson|Updated Nov 15, 2013

    Today is America Recycles Day. More than ever, recycling is something to celebrate all year in Montana. A 2004 study by Montana Department of Environmental Quality found that recycling generated nearly $90 million dollars in revenue, paid over $9 million in wages and benefits, and sustained over 300 full-time jobs. At that time, recycling and composting diverted 176,571 tons of material from landfills or 15 percent of Montana’s waste stream. In line with national trends, that number has continued to grow. Community commitment...

  • Consider donating to United Way

    Karen Sloan|Updated Nov 14, 2013

    On behalf of the United Way Board of Directors, I would like to thank the Havre Daily News for the thermometer add that reminds the community of the progress of the fund drive. It is this community support and working together that demonstrates the spirit of Havre and the surrounding communities. Thank you to our donors and if you haven't yet donated — please consider it now. Thank you, sincerely, Karen Sloan, United Way of Hill County past president...

  • Two inches of snow, where are the plows?

    Christina Petersen|Updated Nov 11, 2013

    Sunday, during our first major snowfall of the season, it was brought to my attention that the city of Havre was responding to phone calls about snow removal and the hospital hill being closed by saying, “Well, we aren’t going to do anything until it stops snowing.” This statement completely baffled me. Having lived in Havre most of my life, I know what an average Montana winter can entail. Unlike other communities or states that would simply declare a natural disaster with the conditions we live in, Havre’s small community u...

  • Thanks to all who supported me

    Karen Datko|Updated Nov 8, 2013

    Congratulations and best wishes to Matt Boucher, who ran a fine campaign and defeated me in my bid to represent Ward 4 on the Havre City Council. I met Matt on the campaign trail and was impressed by his thoughtfulness. I think he will listen well to his constituents in Ward 4. I also would like to thank those Ward 4 voters who supported me. Despite my loss, I think my message resonated with voters on the East End. We often feel that we’re not getting our fair share of city resources. Our streets are in bad repair and the i...

  • Braaten is right on trapping issues

    Terry C. Blosser|Updated Nov 4, 2013

    Renelle Braaten of the Hill County Parks Board is quite right that lethal traps should not be used in parks where families and pets recreate. Such cruelty in the taking of public resources and the risks lying in wait for innocents deserve a full public discussion. Initiative 167 provides a reasonable and humane pathway for the best management of our Beaver Creek Park. Terry C. Blosser Havre...

  • Thanks for help with Halloween dance

    Lois Gilge|Updated Nov 4, 2013

    A huge thank-you to Montana State University-Northern Student Senate, Northern Diesel Racing and Sweetgrass Society for helping with our Halloween dance at the Atrium Mall Oct. 26. I want to especially thank Andrew Potter, Annie and Rob Kling, A.J. Little, Eric Neal, Joe Vernon, Mavre Murdock and Jennifer Polensky for their hard work and great ideas. What a great group to work with! We look forward to other cooperative ventures. Lois Gilge Atrium Merchants' Association Manager...

  • Swift action during power outage

    Carolaine Peticca Schafer|Updated Nov 4, 2013

    On Sunday evening, around 6:30 p.m., in Highland Park, as well as a lot of Havre, lost power. Because of the time change, it was mighty dark outside. As many residents scurried for flashlights and candles, all of the emergency responders were immediately on the scene and ready to work. We were concerned how the response would be, being the weekend, we needn't have worried. Thank you to our police department, and fire department for "protecting and serving," and NorthWestern Energy for getting to the root of the problem and...

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