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Trappers are warped. They don't understand the meaning of compassion and seem not to care about the intense suffering they cause. My dog, Dude, was caught in a steel leghold trap while on a much-deserved run in a Montana national forest. He was badly injured and I had to carry him nearly 3 miles to my vehicle. Fortunately a vet saved the little guy's leg but he told me Dude was one of the lucky ones. Please help stop this barbaric practice by supporting the Trap-free Montana Initiative. Sometimes heritage is wrong, and in...
It is very difficult to adjust to tough times as Chippewa Cree people to have endured the pain and suffering as we did in the last few years. Aren't we over that era yet? We did enough suffering a long time ago before the reservation came about. This stealing and embezzling has indeed affected a huge number of people and especially our children. This type of situation is embarrassing to have to tell to my kids and other members of my family about, that our tribe is suffering financially and that we are suffering as well due...
Thanks so much for everyone who came to the Second Annual Shamrock Shindig and made it another success. Thank you to all the volunteers, the youth that sold tickets, all the kitchen help and the cooks. The meal was wonderful. To the hostesses of the tables, you put a lot of work and time into each table to make them unique and different. Your auction items were awesome. To Willard Vaughn, your metal art was a masterpiece. Thanks also to Duchscher Agency for donating part of this art work. To Don Greytak thanks for donating...
I am writing this letter today in hopes of urging Montana sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts to oppose efforts by animal rights activists to ban trapping on Montana public lands. There have been efforts in recent years to paint trapping as an outdated “hobby” that serves no purpose. The truth that animal rights activists don’t want you to know is that trapping serves incredibly vital roles in Montana. It ensures that furbearers and their habitat are healthy and sustainable. And it ensures that predator populations are kept...
Although this letter my be a little late, I would just like to express my gratitude to the people of Havre. My son Will Perry came to Havre two years ago to play basketball. In February this year, my wife and I came to Havre for the Montana State University-Northern Lights Senior Night basketball game. The encouragement that all MSU-Northern teams receive from the city of Havre is amazing. All the team posters throughout the local businesses, Holden's Hot Wheels throwing all the balls and T-shirts at the game, the coverage...
I’d like to start by saying that I am not a trapper. I have never trapped, and I don’t necessarily believe that I will start. However, the more I learned about trapping and the charge against it led by out-of-state groups I’ve never heard of, the more compelled I felt to speak up. I am a lifelong hunter and angler, and over the years as I honed my skills in those areas, I have come to understand how valuable trapping is to maintaining balance and managing wildlife. It’s an incredibly unsettling thought to imagine Montana with...
I want to urge Montana residents to refrain from supporting Initiative 169, an effort to strip away the right to trap in our state. This misguided effort is based on the inaccurate perception being spread by animal rights activists that trapping has — in their words — “decimated” animal species in Montana and is a danger to the public. There is no shred of truth to either of these statements and the public should challenge signature-gatherers to prove these lies. The truth is regulated trapping is vital to maintai...
On behalf of the Schafer family, I wish to extend a most profound thank-you to the Hill County Pachyderm Club and Mr. Andrew Brekke, president, for honoring our beloved Richard "Dick" Schafer at the recent Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner, Feb. 23, at the Duck Inn. Dick Schafer was a founder of our local Pachyderm organization and is responsible for implementing the fun-filled 50/50 raffle as part of local Republican events. The 50/50 raffle took place in Dick Schafer's honor as all in attendance applauded the esteemed memory of a...
There’s an unfortunate misconception among some in our state these days about trappers and trapping. And while I know there are those who dislike the very idea of an animal being harvested for any reason, it is vital that Montanans who are being asked to sign a petition to ban trapping know what they are signing — and know some facts about trapping. Today, trappers play a vital role in effective wildlife management. Banning trapping on public lands takes away that tool — one that wildlife managers will tell you they count on...
Communities that do things together are stronger. This past weekend was a true testament to this thought as many worked together to make the 9 C tournament a huge success. The Athletic Committee of the Havre Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Havre High School and District 9C would like to extend a sincere thank-you to the 50-plus volunteers who worked the recent boys and girls District 9C Basketball Tournament at Havre High School Feb. 19-21. The Chamber’s Athletic Committee, along with Chamber staff, secured volun...
We would like to take a few moments to thank the hard-working employees of the city of Havre and Patrick Construction. On Feb. 13, we had a water break in front of our home, within 15 minutes of contacting the city, a crew showed up and worked until long after dark to restore our water. Keep in mind, we live on a cul-de-sac with no street lights. Unfortunately, they couldn't get it fixed that night. They were back at 8 a.m. the next day and worked on the frozen ground, in the cold and wind, without complaint, until they had...
I am a general medical practitioner, with 30 years experience in north-central Montana, and have lived in this community for more than 20 years. Montanans Against Assisted Suicide has decided to appeal its case with the Montana Medical Examiner Board to the Montana Supreme Court, and I am glad to see it (online at My hope is that the appeal will end the controversy about assisted suicide possibly being legal in Montana. My concerns about legalizing assisted suicide...
I agree with Rick Dow. I've lived in this area of Havre for 31 years, and the city has never taken care of the boulevards, the sidewalks or the streets. They have never cleaned the snow off the streets or trimmed the trees in all that time. Why don't they do the work that should be done on the city property? Loretta Fredriksen Havre...
Coach Dustin Kraske, what an example you set. Listening to the wrap up of the basketball game our Blue Pony girls played in Lewistown Feb.8 was one of the most heartwarming broadcasts I have heard. I hope someone taped the broadcast so you were able to hear the announcer's comments of the example you set, not just for your team but for our school, town, students, players, fans and other coaches as well. No, your team did not win according to the scoreboard, and it was an upset, but the sportsmanship you displayed following...
Editor: Thank you Dr. Douglas Safely and the staff at Havre Optometric for going above and beyond to help a very young member of our community and my granddaughter who required emergency attention. Your dedication as a professional is why we looked to you to help our child, but your compassion and generosity during this difficult time superseded our expectations. By providing emergency care and attention and reaching out to other specialists, you were the catalyst for finding a solution that did not come easy. Your...
Contrary to Mr. Beatty’s opinion (Feb. 3), there is no need for trapping, even for trapping beaver in Beaver Creek Park. Thanks to the installation of beaver deceivers and overflow pipes, more and more ranchers, communities and irrigation districts no longer pay to constantly rig conibear traps in freezing water for flood control. As Mr. Beatty noted, trapping is a short-term solution anyway; his son trapped more than 200 beavers, and in no time “they were back, thick as ever.” A beaver deceiver lets water flow through the da...
The week of Feb. 10 through Feb. 14 is VA’s National Salute to Veteran Patients Week. Throughout Montana, there are men and women who are serving or have served our country to preserve our way of life and the freedom we enjoy. Many of these veterans come to the Medical Center at Fort Harrison or community based outpatient clinics around the state for their health care. The employees and volunteers who work for VA Montana Health Care System are privileged to provide care to these heroes. During the week of Feb. 10, VA M...
I am writing this letter to our editor at 5 a.m. Moments ago, I returned from driving a very sick dog who was having seizures at 3 a.m. to the vet office ... trying to calm my dog and holding tightly on to the wheel of my vehicle, having a difficult time maneuvering on main roads from Highland Park to Bear Paw Veterinary. Amid my praying, I was thinking, how very serious it is to be driving on a proverbial ice skating rink ... and, despite my sadness in getting my beloved dog emergency medical help, I am amazed at how not...
This is for Renelle Braaten. She doesn't want any trapping at all. I think they should kick you off the Park Board, myself. I remember when the Park Board had my son trap more than 200 beavers out of the park. One board member said he wanted him to trap them, all and he said no, he would not do that. It didn't take long and they were back, thick as ever. She has no idea how much work and time is involved in trapping. A friend of mine lost a lot of young lambs and ewes to coyotes. They even killed one of his dogs, but not...
The Montana Historical Society has declared 2014 “The Year of the Woman” and for good reason. One hundred years ago, Montana joined a small handful of other states by giving women the right to vote in the state. Women’s suffrage wouldn’t go countrywide for another six years, with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. We’ve all read about the great — or not so great — accomplishments of men in Montana, those who came here with Lewis and Clark, the fur trappers, those seeking their fortunes in the gold fiel...
This is to the lady who was complaining about the first snow — that they weren't plowing the streets. With only 4 inches of snow, why would you want to waste the time and money on plowing? Lady, back in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s, they never plowed hardly at all. You just had to fend for yourself. Going down 3rd Avenue, the kids would say, “What’s that noise?” I told them that was the muffler and the frame dragging in the hard-packed snow. When I would go up the hill by the college, sometimes I would have the right tire in the...
Hi. My name is Selena H. I'm 10 years old. I am in the fifth grade. I chose your state because it is AWESOME! My dogs are even from Montana, so I have been there a couple times. Montana is my state-report state. You're the only one that can get me an A++++. I'm a great student, very smart and very active, too. I'm very organized, and I hope to some day work with animals. I really want the state gem, but there is no need to get it. I think people would really like to see it. It would be so cool in my display. I also want the...
Help our police department help Havre. Listen up, mayor and police administration. Is there a drug problem in Havre? Yes! Our patrol officers do a wonderful job but could extremely benefit from a police K-9 dog. The presence of a police canine can defuse many potential problems just by their mere presence. Example, on New Year's Eve I saw a foot pursuit and thought how scary that can be and how it could turn out. Great job officer, whoever you are. Canines can be great time-saving tools. A dual purpose K-9 is trained for...
The Havre High School Key Club, Eagle Riders, many churches and community members recently hosted fundraisers to help offset the cost of testing for Cadence and Tia Kallenberger to diagnose their neuromuscular disorder. We’d like to thank everyone who helped make all the fundraisers a success. We are so appreciative of all the individuals who made donations of time, food, and money; none of this would have been possible without you. We are deeply grateful for the support and compassion of SO many, and a community that c...
This year I have had the honor of serving as an AmeriCorps Volunteer in Service to America — VISTA — alleviating poverty in Montana. My position has been with the S.A.V.E. Foundation in Helena. I have had the opportunity to build community through partnerships and engagements in public transit and accessible biking and walking. In this role, I experienced how essential these aspects are to everyone’s ability to be part of a healthy community, not just those with the greatest needs who VISTAs serve most. My experience has r...