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Opinion / Letters

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  • Havre will miss Nikki's photography


    Editor: Much to my dismay, I recently learned that Nikki Carlson is leaving the Havre Daily News for yet another horizon. I wish her well and must say she will be missed! Fortunately, Havre is not losing her, but the Havre Daily News is left with the daunting task of filling her shoes, or I should say, camera bag and vest. I don't believe I am alone in looking forward to the Havre Daily News just to see another award-winning shot by Nikki. Often wondering, how does she do that? She has an endearing and never-ending talent for...

  • Conservative Rehberg supports Amtrak


    Editor: I am a railroad travel advocate. Since I am a conservative, politically speaking, I refer to myself as a pro-Amtrak Republican. I believe that Amtrak railroad passenger service is vital to small-town and rural America in general. As a congressman, Dennis Rehberg sees Amtrak filling that need across northern Montana. I, therefore, wholeheartedly endorse Dennis Rehberg, both in the Republican primary coming June 5 and the general election coming Nov. 6. In a future article, I'll spell out what I personally feel are the...

  • TURF has groups, people to thank

    Havre TURF members

    Editor: The Havre TURF organization would like to thank the Montana Department of Natural Resources and the National Arbor Day Foundation and congratulate the city of Havre for receiving the Tree City USA Award for the 22nd year. We would like to thank all of our sponsors and the individuals who contributed in helping make another very successful Arbor Day celebration. Coca-Cola Refreshments, Taco Johns, Culligan Water, Gary & Leo's Fresh Foods, the city Parks and Recreation Department and the Havre Daily News have always...

  • Women are not second-class citizens, Rep. Rehberg


    Editor: Rep. Denny Rehberg is waging a war on women. He displays a Neanderthal attitude toward women. Look at his votes. - Voted twice against the Ledbetter Fair Play Act, a bipartisan bill protecting women's rights to seek restitution if they're victims of pay discrimination. - Opposed the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would strengthen protections for women to fight pay discrimination. - Resisted funding for preventive care — pap smears and mammograms. - Proposes total defunding of Title X Family Planning Program which has b...

  • Reauthorizing Violence Against Women Act is necessary


    Editor: The numbers are staggering. Montana reported an average of 10 crimes related to domestic violence every day in 2010. According to the Montana Board of Crime Control, 3,732 Montanans — mostly women and children — suffered violence at the hands of members of their own families. The number of unreported crimes, of course, is much higher. This week in Washington, D.C., lawmakers are debating whether to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. The fact that a debate is even needed speaks volumes about the problems goi...

  • Rehberg bill could have far-reaching consequences


    Editor: I am writing in regard to a very controversial bill co-sponsored by U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana. It is the "National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act — HR 1505 — which would give the Department of Homeland Security far-reaching and unchecked authority over our public lands under the guise of national security. DHS has not asked for this legislation. In fact both DHS and the U.S. Border Patrol have publicly stated this type of unrestrained authority over public lands is unnecessary for DHS to acc...

  • Rehberg bill could have far-reaching consequences


    Editor: I am writing in regard to a very controversial bill co-sponsored by U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana. It is the "National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act — HR 1505 — which would give the Department of Homeland Security far-reaching and unchecked authority over our public lands under the guise of national security. DHS has not asked for this legislation. In fact both DHS and the U.S. Border Patrol have publicly stated this type of unrestrained authority over public lands is unnecessary for DHS to acc...

  • Turiano has strong convictions


    Editor: Montana voters, if you are like me, you appreciate those very few politicians who understand Constitutional principles and the foundational purpose of civil government, which is to secure our individual rights. Drew Turiano is one of those few. His strong convictions prevent him from folding to the pressure of political expediency and pragmatism. He knows his oath of office supersedes his allegiance to any political party. I support Drew in his effort to become the next secretary of state in Montana. I believe our...

  • What's good for cows is good for sage-grouse


    Editor: I grew up in Forsyth and have ranched there for 15 years. As a young boy driving through the snow, I could practically see a sage-grouse under every sage bush; there were thousands of them for every quarter mile. Today, the sage-grouse is a candidate species for Endangered Species Act protection. The Sage-Grouse Initiative is working hard to help ranchers voluntarily manage their resources to improve sage-grouse habitat, benefit their operation and keep the bird off the list. Sound rangeland stewardship and healthy...

  • Republicans being misleading over Medicare


    Editor: The fact is Medicare benefits have not been cut by the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as Republicans have misnamed it. Another fact is Medicare itself has been strengthened and coverage expanded with the passage of the ACA. The "cuts" to Medicare that Republicans keep yammering about are in reality and in fact, savings that improve the solvency of Medicare. These savings are achieved through a series of payment reforms, service deliver innovations and increased efforts to reduce fraud, waste and abuse. As a result...

  • Montana fails to reduce the wolf population


    Editor: The unfortunate truth is that the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Park's "balanced approach" (the current wolf season tentative proposal) would yield nothing other than predictable results. Peer-reviewed scientific literature on wolf management very clearly states that in order to reduce wolf populations, it takes consistent annual harvest of at least 50 percent of the actual wolf population. Otherwise wolf reproductive success makes it hard to lower their population. It's hard to see how this is a balanced approach when...

  • Sam Rankin will end corruption in Washington


    Editor: A few weeks ago, senators of both parties joined forces so the oil and gas industry could keep its $24 billion in taxpayer subsidies. Those same senators received nearly $24 million in campaign donations from the oil and gas industry. This is not coincidence. The corruption brought into our political system by special interest PACs and corporate lobbyists caused the financial meltdown. It is the reason that ammonia-treated pink slime, once considered dog food, is in our burgers. Money corruption is the reason we...

  • Teens with special needs are falling through the cracks


    Editor: I am finding it very hard to find help for my adopted son, Franklin, who has disabilities (he was born with hemaplegic cerebral palsy, which left him nonverbal but mobile). I am trying to get a job but because of my adopted son's decision-making age, he cannot be left home alone. We had him tested to get him qualified for Quality Life Concepts, but he scored 72 and their cutoff score is 70. I am currently looking into Havre Day Activity Center. I called them and the woman that answered stated she thought it was for ad...

  • Gov. shows lack in leadership

    Donald W. Richman

    Editor: I'm writing this because in the last few weeks, I've become very concerned by the leadership, or lack thereof, shown by our governor. In the 1970s, my dad and I had a herd of between 400-500 head of mother cows. We consistently sold steer calves weighing over 500 pounds and heifer calves somewhat smaller. I artificially inseminated the top end of our cows, and kept the heifer calves born to them as replacements. One spring, we sold a few dry cows that we had, and the sky fell. Understand, our calf crop for all the...

  • Rehberg super PAC is dishonest


    Editor: Medicare recipients beware of the dishonest attack ads by Rep. Dennis Rehberg and his PAC henchmen against Sen. Jon Tester. Medicare was enacted in 1965 by Democrats, the party always supported it, and Tester is no exception. For the second year in a row now, Rehberg's Republican cohorts in Congress have put forward budget bills that would do away with Medicare as we know it. You can thank Tester and other Democrats in the Senate for opposing and defeating these assaults on Medicare. Rehberg withheld support of this y...

  • Celebrating People in Action!

    Debbie Vandeberg

    Editor: I believe Havre is the best small town in America. But it is not for the obvious reason that I have this strong love for Havre. It is not our easy lifestyle or quality of life we enjoy, or the rich history we are blessed with that makes me feel this way. It is because of the people. It is the spirit of the people in this community that volunteer, that makes Havre the best place in America. This spirit is embedded in the hundreds of community folks who give back to the community by contributing, volunteering and...

  • Gov. shows lack in leadership

    Donald W. Richman

    Editor: I'm writing this because in the last few weeks, I've become very concerned by the leadership, or lack thereof, shown by our governor. In the 1970s, my dad and I had a herd of between 400-500 head of mother cows. We consistently sold steer calves weighing over 500 pounds and heifer calves somewhat smaller. I artificially inseminated the top end of our cows, and kept the heifer calves born to them as replacements. One spring, we sold a few dry cows that we had, and the sky fell. Understand, our calf crop for all the...

  • Locals shouldn't have to foot the bill for drilling


    Editor: The murder of a young teacher in Sidney is an unspeakable tragedy. No Montana community should ever have to live through another loss like that. But, unless we take action swiftly, the problems that we've seen around the Bakken oil fields will likely grow. Crime is up, the infrastructure is inadequate, and public services are strained at every turn. What's a community to do? One possibility is for these communities to immediately impose industrial impact fees on the companies profiting from the exploration that could...

  • Havre should be split between two house districts


    Editor: A movement is afoot to cut the number of representatives Havre has in the state House by half — from two to one. That was clear at last week's public hearing here by the Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission. Several people told the commission that Havre should have only one House seat and that the second seat should instead go to a very large rural area that extends all the way to Glasgow. They argued that Havre and its rural residents have nothing in common and thus should be two separate House d...

  • Havre Daily News should keep opinions on Opinion page

    Don Mahlum

    Editor: This is in response to a controversy to an "advertisement" or a "news item" you ran on the front page on the topic of a negative mailing sent out by an organization who wanted to damage Kris Hansen ("State Democrats target Rep. Hansen in Havre," March 2). Hansen is District 33 representative to the state legislature. Yes, I know there is nothing illegal about running an ad on the front page of a newspaper, but a professional journalist does separate "opinion" out of the "news story." At the same time, a news writer...

  • Rehberg unclear on health care reform

    Bill Thackeray

    Editor: So Rep. Denny Rehberg — Republican U.S. Senate candidate running against Big Sandy's Sen. Jon Tester — has had his public life made "more complicated than normally" in the extra effort he is taking to put the Obamacare health care plan into action. According to his local presentation, reported Friday ("Rehberg: Let's have a serious talk on health care," page 1), he is doing his best to put together the money and take care of "some unanswered questions" that must be cleared up so the bill will be most effective. Gee...

  • Dow is just seeking attention


    Editor: I was very disturbed to read the story in Tuesday's edition of the Havre Daily News about the recent City Council meeting where councilman Rick Dow asked the rest of the council to sign a letter inviting Chick-fil-A to open a restaurant in Havre. These actions, on top of Mr. Dow's recent very public crusade against the cellphone ordinance have made me very suspicious about Mr. Dow's reasons for seeking public office. This letter appears to be no more than attention-seeking behavior from a sensationalist politician...

  • Lights were a class act on Monday


    Editor: After returning home from our quick trip to Havre for the Frontier Conference championship in the Armory Monday night, I feel absolutely compelled to share some thoughts and insights about the Lights basketball program and the exceptional fan base the Hi-Line provides them. From a former player's perspective and long-time junkie of the game, I can't help myself when needing to acknowledge the class and grace with which the Northern Lights men's basketball team presents themselves both on and off the floor. Having...

  • Seeking support for pregnancy center


    Editor: Hi-Line Pregnancy Resource Center is a faith-based pregnancy resource center that is located at 35 1st St. in Havre. Our hours of operation are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 to 6 p.m. We can be reached at 265-3255. Our staff is equipped to offer options counseling to anyone who is facing an unexpected pregnancy. All men and women facing unexpected pregnancies have a right to know all of their options. Our goal is to help them make an informed decision, and walk with them through the process, whatever the...

  • Is greater dependence or independence best for our community?


    Editor: I would like to thank Bruce Patera for taking the time to write his June 21 letter to the editor. His comments on the Vibrant Futures Consortium, however, were confusing. The motion did pass. Will Mr. Patera only be happy if the members of the Havre City Council are in lock-step agreement with his opinion? Thankfully, our representative form of government allows for debate and dissent. The 20-year anniversary of United Nations Agenda 21 is being celebrated right now in Rio de Janeiro as simply "Rio+20." In August...

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