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Opinion / Editorial

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  • Our View:

    Updated Mar 14, 2017

    Republican leaders have now shown two sides of a coin in their opposition to mail ballots in the election to fill the U.S. House seat vacated by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke — and both sides are wrong. Rep. Forrest Mandeville, R-Columbus, chair of the House State Administration Committee, sent a column out to newspapers saying the election has been turned into a political football, and he would oppose using mail ballots in the election because, he says, making it easier to vote will suppress votes. Even though the m...

  • Our View:

    Updated Feb 24, 2017

    One week after Rep. Jeff Essman, R-Billings, the state Republican Party chair, apologized to Rep. Jacob Bachmeier, D-Havre, for official GOP Facebook and Twitter posts insulting the freshman legislator, Essmann now has irritated some officials from his own party. Essmann issued an “Emergency Chairman’s Report” Wednesday saying that, somehow, getting more people voting by using a mail ballot in a special election for Congress would favor Democrats — so Republicans should contact their legislators and tell them to vote against...

  • MISSOULIAN EDITORIAL: Mugshots are public information

    Updated Feb 1, 2017

    Last week the Montana House Judiciary Committee pulled the rug out from under police chiefs and news organizations who jointly supported a simple measure to clarify that booking photos are public information and should be treated as such. Unbelievably, the committee chair submitted a request to amend the bill to instead prohibit the release of these photos. He did so despite the fact that no one spoke in opposition to the original bill at the hearing Jan. 18. And despite the fact that the intent of House Bill 236 is to at las...

  • Not to imply any relation to reality

    Pam Burke|Updated Jan 27, 2017

    I sat on this news for a week. A week. A long week. The stress of it — oi vey — but it was worth the trouble out of respect for the Office of the President of the United States. Now though, the inauguration ceremony of Donald J. Trump as 45th president has occurred in a civil display of the peaceful passing of power, a hallmark of democracy, and the era of the reality show-businessman president has begun, guided by an adherence to “alternative facts.” No matter which side of...

  • Our View: County needs to change fair manager position

    Updated Nov 18, 2016

    For the third time in less than three years, the Great Northern Fairgrounds is without a manager. Tim Solomon resigned in 2015 after 12 years in the position, amidst the board redesigning the fairgrounds manager job description. Since then, the board has hired two fairgrounds managers, both of whom have since resigned — one who resigned after the fair board rescinded its firing him in an unannounced meeting the week before. While the county looks at who will take the place of Bob Horne, who submitted in an email his r...

  • Get out and vote Tuesday, Election Day

    Updated Nov 7, 2016

    It doesn’t matter whether you want Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein or “Rocky” Roque De La Fuente to be president — if you don’t vote. If doesn’t matter whether you think Steve Bullock or Greg Gianforte would be best as governor of the state of Montana. It doesn’t matter if you would rather see Stephanie Hess or Jacob Bachmeier in the House, see Frank Smith or Bruce Meyers in the Senate, see Kristen Juras or Dirk Sandefur on the Supreme Court — unless you vote. One of the greatest things about th...

  • Zinke's support of Trump shows Montanans deserve better

    Montanans Rally for Women|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Like most Montanans, we were horrified as we watched footage of Donald Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women while Access Hollywood reporter, Billy Bush, laughed and egged him on. We were horrified because we are women and mothers, sisters and daughters. The men and boys in our lives were also horrified. All decent people should be horrified when they hear a man bragging about violently forcing himself on women. Over the last two weeks, many high ranking Republicans, well-known religious leaders, and other public...

  • A revisit of the Havre-Fort Belknap EIS

    Updated Aug 19, 2016

    It’s all about the economy and enhancing the economic viability of communities in the Highway 2 Corridor. The Highway 2 Association is the voice that’s been advocating for 4 For 2, an adequate transportation system, which is the prerequisite for economic development. It’s a given, 80 percent of business locates in or near communities that have a four-lane highway or better. One of the road blocks in realizing the association’s mission has been the environmental impact study in the logical termini, Havre to Fort Belknap...

  • View from the North 40: Not quite science-y science

    Pam Burke|Updated Jul 22, 2016

    I don’t want to be thought of as less than a serious amateur scientist, but at some point my home-based research projects always come to loggerheads with what is widely considered to be real life, and then I have to choose between being enthralled and being civilized. Yes, this means I have a spider growing up in my bathroom again this year. No, I don’t particularly like spiders, but I’m fascinated by watching the spider grow from a little eight-legged smidgeon of arach...

  • Our View: Band represents best of a great community

    Updated Jul 5, 2016

    OK, we’re a bit biased, but we think the Havre High School Blue Pony Marching Band stole the show at the Washington National Independence Day Parade Monday. The Blue Ponies made Havre proud by entertaining the hundreds of thousands of people who were on hand for the major parade. There were many other bands that were bigger and better funded, but none had the spirit and the spunk that the band from the Hi-Line had. The band will be an inspiration to the entire community as we work hard to make this great community better e...

  • Our View: Library is a valuable community resource

    Updated Jun 7, 2016

    We always thought it would be nice if the Havre-Hill County Library would be open all day on Saturday. The library now opens at noon, and usually there is a pretty big group of people there using the many services the library provides. That’s why it saddens us that the library will now be closed entirely on Saturday for the foreseeable future. The city of Havre has cut back on its funding for the library to the tune of about $30,000. For this year, the library’s foundation and Friends of the Havre-Hill County Library are goi...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Apr 29, 2016

    Laurel — Saturday morning, a group will walk from Community Fitness Park to Montana State University-Northern. The Autism Fun Run and Awareness Walk will be held Saturday morning to let people know about the condition that affects so many people. Research into the cause and potential cures for autism are moving forward, but not fast enough. Show support for the effort to fight the disorder. Join in Saturday’s walk. Dart — A scandal developed when it was discovered how long the wait periods were for veterans seeking VA medic...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Apr 22, 2016

    Laurel — Havre Public Schools will conduct its annual Salute to Seniors at noon Sunday, at Havre Middle School. If you are a senior citizens or nearing that age, stop by and look at the exhibits that display the work Havre students have done, enjoy the fine brunch and be entertained by the talented student musicians. The events will display what you have accomplished by the taxes you have paid over the years. We think you got a pretty good return on your investment. Laurel — Havre Beneath the Streets is the second most pop...

  • Our View: Vote yes on mill levy

    Updated Apr 18, 2016

    Some voters in the Havre Public school elementary school district got ballots in the mail this week. Others will be going to the polls May 3. On the ballot is a proposal to increase the mill levy by about $10.51 for a home assessed at $100,000. These are tough economic times, and we don’t blame anyone who questions any increase in taxes, but Havre Public Schools, in our view, is the best deal in town. We pay a lot in taxes for the school system, but we get an awful lot in return. The schools are a focal point in our c...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Apr 8, 2016

    Laurel — Box Elder Bears have had a pretty good streak with its basketball team, but its hoops success may continue if the Box Elder Bots keep developing a basketball player of their own. The robotics club is developing a robot that can shoot mini-basketballs into mini-hoops. Congrats to the kids on their work. The need for people with computer skill is on the rise. Their work with the club will help them in the future. Laurel — Havre High School junior Emily Brurud is setting a fine example for adults in the Havre area by he...

  • Our View: Congratulations to two Rocky Boy women

    Updated Mar 29, 2016

    If you are looking for good news on Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation, look no further than the reservation’s health clinic. For years, the clinic was nothing more than an ATM for people who wanted to dip into the Chippewa Cree Tribe’s treasury. It seemed that one after another, clinic directors were indicted for various forms of embezzlement. The clinic is under-funded by the federal government, and what little money got down to the clinic was syphoned off by the bigshots. But recently there has been a 180-degree turn. The c...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Mar 18, 2016

    Dart — Every four years, editorial writers decry the ugly state of politics claiming that it is worse than it ever has been. This year, it’s worse than it ever has been. The nasty name-calling has lowered the level of public discourse. We can blame Donald Trump, but many others have lowered themselves to his level. Laurel —That’s why it’s great to live on the Hi-Line. It’s hard to imagine a race with sharper ideological differences than they have in District 28, Havre’s seat in the Montana House. Republican Stephanie Hes...

  • Our View: Vote for Havre Beneath the Streets

    Updated Mar 16, 2016

    We at the Havre Daily News shy away from telling people who to vote for. We express our opinions, some would say spout off, but we don’t endorse candidates or express views on just how to vote. We are making an exception, though. Voting is taking place this month. We think the decision is clear cut and want people to get behind the cadidate. USA Today is conducting a nationwide survey. It has nominated 20 underground attractions and is asking people to choose which one is the best. We admit to being biased, but we think H...

  • Sunrise Financial raises many troubling problems

    Updated Feb 26, 2016

    Sunrise Financial, a mysterious company apparently based in Great Falls, is buying property, most of them homes, at taxes sales and then holding onto them to let them rot. The reason for this is uncertain. Many experts can't see that there is profit to be made from the surreptitious business dealings of this rather unusual firm. The effect of all of this is crystal clear. Neighborhoods in Havre and probably throughout much of Montana are falling into disrepair and have lost...

  • Our View: Montana's Native health care crisis is a scandal

    Updated Feb 23, 2016

    Montana is looking for a new Indian Health director whose job it will be to close the gap in life expectancy between Natives and whites in the state. A study showed that Native men live 19 years less than whites in the state, which is surpassed by a 20-year gap for Native women. The figures are alarming, and it is up to every Montanan to work on a solution to the problem. Crow Tribal Health Director Todd Wilson said the problems are many and complicated and, thus, won’t be easy to solve. But difficutly should not be an e...

  • Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Feb 19, 2016

    Laurel — People from throughout the Hi-Line are in Havre for the District 9C basketball tournament this week. The tournament is an enduring tradition in the area. It is smalltown America at its best. Older people often look back at the tournament as a highlight of their high school years. We hope everyone — players and spectators — have a good time while here. Dart — Often in the final stretches of a presidential campaign things turn nasty. The opposing sides go at each other with bitter venom. This year, candidates decided...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Feb 12, 2016

    Laurel: A Teddy Roosevelt impersonator visited Havre High School earlier this week to give students a first-hand lesson in history. Hal Stearns, a Montana storyteller, spoke last week at the Senior Center of northcentral Montana giving people interesting facts about Montana’s many small towns. These are just two facets of great programs sponsored by Humanities Montana under its Hometown Humanities program that is focused on Havre this year. We’d like it if the special program never ended. It has provided lots of cul...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Feb 5, 2016

    Laurel — The tiny town of Turner has a fighting spirit. Turner has seen a dramatic loss in population in recent years. Some small, rural towns have died out, but don’t count Turner out. The residents of this northern Blaine County community are fighting to stay alive. They have vibrant support for their high school basketball team as shown in a Havre Daily News story Wednesday. In the past, when the market wouldn’t support a privately owned grocery store, the community opened up a non-profit store. It’s a town full of spir...

  • Our View: Create a city manager to save Havre money

    Updated Jan 19, 2016

    We know lots of people who would make excellent mayors of Havre. People who have a real feel for the community. People from all political persuasions and parties who have a sense of where the city should be headed. People who are leaders in education, business, social organizations or non-profit groups who have worked with many people in the community. People with leadership skills who work with various political and social factions to keep the city moving in the right direction. The unfortunate thing is that very few, if...

  • Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels

    Updated Jan 8, 2016

    Laurel: Residents of Fort Belknap Indian Reservation have declared a state of emergency because of the methamphetamine epidemic. It is fantastic to see the tribal government take such a strong stand against meth, and we hope it will continue in fighting the battle. Meth has taken a terrible toll on people on the reservation and in non-reservation areas throughout the Hi-Line. We hope municipal governments throughout the Hi-Line will follow the lead of Fort Belknap. Meth use is a serious problem and it has to be dealt with...

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