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Every two or three days I make a list of chores and things to do. My list keeps me focused, nags at me. My list includes jobs which, if I didn't stick on them, might fall out of sight. These are suggestions, not orders. I pride myself on my flexibility, one of my better qualities. Nothing is cast in concrete. My inner compass points me to go with the flow, as we used to say. CASondra AshtonPTION On a diamonds-in-the-sky Monday morning I checked my list. I decided to vacuum, th...
Few federal tax policies are as immediately revolting as the death tax. The idea that the government has the right to confiscate a set percentage of an individual's assets after his death strikes us as downright immoral. It punishes grieving family members, adds stressful burdens both before and after death, and lets government step between the dying person and their bequest to the designated inheritors. Moreover, it's double taxation because the deceased person already paid taxes on the income used to buy his assets. Henry...
This year is full of important political anniversaries — 50 years since the March on Washington and Martin Luther King's "I Had a Dream" speech; 45 years since both Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated; 45 years since the riots in Chicago during the '68 Democratic National Convention. These dramatic events helped shape the political conscience of many Americans, including me. But a special anniversary date for Montanans was on Jan 12, which was the 35th anniversary of the passing of Montana Senator Lee M...
Throughout my tenure as state executive director for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Montana Farm Service Agency, I have met a number of small and beginning farmers and ranchers, military veterans and Montana agricultural producers interested in making a living in production agriculture. For many, the high cost of purchasing land and equipment can be prohibitive, compelling newcomers and those struggling against odds to take risks to finance their dreams by relying on credit cards and personal loans with high interest...
I just celebrated my 100th birthday. I enjoyed Gary Wilson's article on East Hall. I attended college there, and each time I go by the site, a mental picture comes to me. I earned my elementary teacher certificate there. My teaching certificate was instrumental in important events in future years. I worked for my board and room to be able to attend college. I worked for the E.O. Smith family. They had two children, a girl, Doris, in second grade, and Earl "Buddy," who was 9 months old. They hired another lady for work when I...
I hate to get all fast and loose with L-words like "lame" or "lazy" or "lounger log," but since I'd vowed to start exercising for at least 15 minutes every day of the week, and I've only done it about five days out of 31, I'm feeling a little like a loser. Oh, sure, I always mean to exercise — and by "always" I mean mostly. But then just when I mean to start an activity, my mouth pops open like a PEZ dispenser and an excuse springs out. So now I'm an excuse dispenser. Pam Burk...
Hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking, has been used since the 1940s. The purpose is to fracture the shale, allowing the natural gas, or oil, to flow more freely up to the wellhead. The original vertical fracking was much less damaging than is today's method of horizontal fracking, where the well is first drilled vertically, then the drill bit is turned to drill horizontally into the rock formation. A solution of from 3 to 8 million gallons of water per well, 5,000 to 7,000 gallons of chemicals, and silica (sand) in...
Hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking, has been used since the 1940s. The purpose is to fracture the shale, allowing the natural gas, or oil, to flow more freely up to the wellhead. The original vertical fracking was much less damaging than is today's method of horizontal fracking, where the well is first drilled vertically, then the drill bit is turned to drill horizontally into the rock formation. Norman Bernstein A solution of from 3 to 8 million gallons of water per well, 5,000 to 7,000 gallons of chemicals, and...
Acting on that truism is the essence of leadership. While it is equally true that you can only get stabbed in the back if you're out front, leaders have the guts to take that risk. Non-leaders do not. Leaders must also earn the trust of others. Trust is built on positive personal relationships. The combination of guts and trust makes an effective leader. So far, Gov. Steve Bullock strikes me as an effective leader. He was up front about his priorities in his State of the State speech, and he's been working hard to earn the tr...
I don't know about you, but of the thousands of letters and packages I have mailed out and received over the years, I can count on one hand the number that were lost, misplaced or never delivered. Sometimes I get a letter a day or two later than I would like, but just as often, I get them as soon or faster than I could expect. It is easy, though, to say the check or the birthday card I forgot about was lost in the mail. I've met a couple of grumpy postal carriers over the years, but most are chipper and happy, even if they...
Jackie Robinson's birthday earlier this week reminds us of a cool fall evening — Aug. 28, 1945 — when the 26-year-old former Army Lieutenant who had been court marshalled for refusing orders to sit in the back of an Army bus, walked to 215 Sukeforth St. in Brooklyn, the office of the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team, Mr. Branch Rickey. At that meeting Mr. Rickey informed the young man, Jack Roosevelt Robinson, that he was being offered a contract to play in the major leagues — the first black man in hi...
The Rocky Mountain Front is one of the most wildlife rich, relatively undeveloped and beautiful working landscapes in the "Lower 48." It is truly a sportsman's paradise. With the exception of bison, it supports thriving wild populations of all the large mammals that lived there at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Its wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities have endured since then, and it's high time that there is greater assurance that it remains this way for future generations. I recently attended a listening...
Currently, 60 percent of Montana's graduating seniors take the ACT. The ACT measures the skills and knowledge in English, math, reading and science that students have learned in school and need to know in order to be ready for first-year college courses. Tuesday, April 23, every public school junior in Montana will take the ACT college entrance exam at no cost to their families. Denis Juneau The test will be provided for public school juniors without cost for the next five years because of a partnership between the Office of...
My dog Cooper is about 50 percent highly opinionated, opportunistic brat. I wish I were more like him. That's possibly, probably, most likely wrong of me, but to my critics, I say: Whatever. To be honest, I've been called a lot of things, and more than just a few of those things weren't very nice, but of all the names, adjectives, adverbs and cuss words I've been stuck with, brat isn't one of them. Weird, right? Cooper makes a compelling argument for being a brat, though. If y...
Today I lost a chicken. I mean I misplaced a chicken. I don't mean a live chicken. I misplaced an ugly, misshapen, ceramic chicken. This unfortunate bird is no poultry beauty. No self-respecting ceramic rooster would give her a peck. She came into my life, my odd little chicken, from a display at one of the stops along the What the Hay route between Lewistown and Hilger a couple years ago. Her oddity is what drew me to her. She is so droopy of aspect, so overfed, so worthless...
No job is perfect, but mine, I've recently discovered, is ruining my life. No biggy, you're thinking. You've read my column and you think it wasn't much of a life to begin with. But I will have you know that, through careful consideration of my options at every juncture, I have deliberately built a life that bears as little resemblance as possible to one lived by an adult accepting of her responsibilities and any desire to get ahead financially, emotionally,...
The caller on the other end of the phone line was near exacerbation. He had been given the run-around by government officials, the very people he put in office to represent him, and his quest for answers was met time and again with roadblocks. I don't recall the specifics of the man's concern, or the public officials who he was trying to spur to action in a cause he passionately believed in that he related in the conversation years ago. But one thing that he said has stuck with me, and it is something that I go back to time...
Rep. Kris Hansen blamed much of the criticism of the Montana Legislature on the Helena press corps that she says spends too much time on hot-button issues but ignores other issues of importance. As reported by Havre Daily News reporter Tim Leeds, Hansen lashed out at the press corps at a community meeting last week. John Kelleher "The only time, the only time, they have got up to actually turn those stinking cameras on and turn those stinking recorders on was when there was an issue like that so that there would be headlines...
I am the President of Montanans Against Assisted Suicide, a nonprofit public benefit corporation and a grassroots group opposed to assisted suicide. We welcome everyone opposed to assisted suicide regardless of your views on other issues. This session, we are supporting House Bill 505, which is a short and simple bill that clarifies the offense of aiding or soliciting suicide. The bill's other purpose is to prevent the legalization of physician-assisted suicide in Montana. Assisted suicide means that someone provides the...
There's an old adage, "What goes around, comes around." That old adage frequently manifests itself during any legislative session. And it has just done so again, in spades. When our new governor announced at the end of December his modifications to the budget prepared by his predecessor, the majority party leadership roundly criticized the governor for proposing an increase of 13 percent in the state budget. As that majority party leadership criticized the governor for his spending increases, they promised to hold any...
Generally, we should be grateful that the current Montana legislative session has come to an end for two years — unless we have a special session on some specific issue, such as health care. In general, the lawmakers managed to do some things right. They managed to close their session early, a positive move, and they managed to balance the state budget, which they are obligated by law to do. Most positive is their fix of state retirement programs (if it works), long overdue from past legislative gatherings. What they f...
Writing headlines is an art form, one I don't practice myself, but for better or worse, every article, column and feature story has to have one. Whether written by the pros (yes, larger media sources hire people whose only job is to write headlines) or written by those of us who struggle, sometimes headlines just don't work out. Like: New drug offers novel approach to taming virus If you're like me, you saw that headline and expected to read about awesome nanobots armed with...
Moving on from last week's column on the Indian Health Service and Israel, the question becomes, why does the United States support the relatively sophisticated reservation in the Middle East known as Israel, as opposed to the relatively crude reservations we created, for our own purposes, for the Indian in America? To quote the late Sen. Jesse Helms, Israel is "America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East." Since its founding in 1948, the state of Israel has been economically and militarily dependent on the United States...
A Texas district attorney and his wife were gunned down at their home Saturday night, another bitter reminder that law enforcement officials are in danger not just while they are on the job, but at all hours. There is a great deal of uncertainty about who might have committed the murder. Some speculated white militants were after the district and his deputy who was murdered two months ago. This comes just after Colorado's corrections director, Tom Clements, was shot to death when he answered his front door. It's easy to say t...
Earlier, this session, I had written about my concern about the high level of absenteeism among some members of the Senate, especially their attendance and participation at the committees to which they had been assigned. Particularly troublesome, to me, was the absentee record on the Public Health, Welfare and Safety Committee, of which I am a member. The chairman of the committee has barely attended half of the meetings of the committee he is chair of. The majority leader of the Senate is a member of the committee and is...