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Articles from the June 7, 2005 edition

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  • Evidence: Napoleon died of arsenic poisoning

    PARIS (AP) - New scientific evidence supports the theory that Napoleon Bonaparte was poisoned with arsenic during his second exile, a French toxicologist said Thursday. Pascal Kintz said he found traces of the poison in two strands of the French emperor's hair, supporting the conclusions of past tests. Napoleon died May 5, 1821, on the island of St. Helena, where he had been banished after his defeat at Waterloo. He was 52. The official cause of death is stomach cancer....

  • He rex, she rex: Montana fossil helps scientists discover the difference

    Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - Scientists studying the mighty T. rex may have found a way to tell a she rex from a he rex. The dinosaurs knew the difference, of course. Scientists, with only fossilized bones to work from, have had little to go on as far as knowing which specimen was a male and which was a female. Now, a team led by Mary H. Schweitzer of North Carolina State University reports finding a layer of medullary bone inside the leg bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex discovered in Montana. Medullary bone is a...