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Democrats elect Bachmeier Hill County chair

Montana's youngest lawmaker, state Rep. Jacob Bachmeier, D-Havre, was unanimously elected chair of the Hill County Democratic Central Committee in officer elections Tuesday night at the Havre Eagles Club.  

Brenda Skornogoski said after the meeting that she decided not to seek a third two-year term.

Bachmeier, who turned 19 in January, defeated Republican state Rep. Stephanie Hess last November to represent House District 28, which basically consists of Havre. He was elected the Democrats' vice-chair of the county party in 2015.

He said after the meeting that he decided to run for the position after Skornogoski had told him she would not run for re-election.

"So, I told her that I was interested and, ultimately, decided to put in for that position," he said.

In addition to his work for the Hill County party, Bachmeier is also rural district chair for Big Sky Democrats, which is the Montana chapter of Young Democrats for America.

Bachmeier said that as party chair, he wants to work to attract more people into the county party. He said he and Mia Lamebull, a Montana State University-Northern student, are working to start a Young Democrats of America Chapter at Northern and host more unique events that draw in community members built on the model of politics at the park, a cookout the party hosted last year at the Eagle's campground at Beaver Creek Park that featured a discussion about public lands.

In August, the party will host a similar event at Pepin Park, where the  topic will be LGBT rights.

Skornogoski said that during her tenure she was proud that she was able to bring in a younger crowd of voters and improve the party's fundraisers.

Other officers were elected unanimously, including Carol Ortman as vice-chair, Lamebull as party secretary and Susan Somers as treasurer.


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