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We can't see the forest for the trees

"The national search for provost is proceeding." Add the premature resignation of Rosalyn Templeton, MSU-Northern provost, to a long list of professionals who have come and gone from our community. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Ms. Templeton. She is obviously well-qualified for the position or she would not have been hired. I'm sure she has a very impressive resume. It's just that this seems to be an all too familiar story line.

The fact of the matter is Montana can be a hard place to live. Winters can be harsh. The wind blows so much in the summer I swear we all walk with a permanent forward pitch. We don't have all the refinements of city life. A person has to have the ability at times to create their own entertainment. But the one thing we do have is quality people. They graduate from Montana high schools every year. I believe they are some the brightest, hardest working individuals you could ever hope to meet. Many go on to colleges or universities to further their education. Not all of these people will choose to stay in Montana, but maybe, just maybe, if given the opportunity more would.

So let's continue our bias toward our native sons and daughters because, after all, if they come from New York to California or any state in between they have got to be better than the inferior product Montana puts out. Let's continue to hire those people with their long and impressive resumes, let's continue our "national search" and let's continue to be a stopping off spot for people going somewhere else.


David Sheppard



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